'Takht' is Anil Kapoor's first period film. Anil Kapoor said that he is going to play a historical role for the first time in a film directed by Kiran Johar. He is slowly reaching the top of his character. He said that he is currently undergoing mixed emotions such as enthusiasm, anxiety and confidence in the film. They will tell their mental state only after the shooting has started. Anil said, "It takes time for the character to adapt and I am trying to do the same, so I am doing it now. Anil Kapoor will play Shahjahan in the movie.
The film, set in the background of the Mughal era, tells the story of two warring brothers. Ranveer Singh, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Alia Bhatt, Vicky Kaushal, Bhumi Pednikar and Jahnavi Kapoor are also playing important roles in the film. The shooting for the film will begin this year. The film 'Takht' is set to release next year. The film is based on the Mughal era. This film is a very important project for Karan Johar. Kiran Johar will make a historical film for the first time. The film is being made under Dharma Production and will be the most expensive film of Dharma Production ever.
62-year-old Anil Kapoor will be seen in Anise Bazmi's multi-starrer comedy film Crazy Panti. Mad Panti is set to release on November 22.
The film, set in the background of the Mughal era, tells the story of two warring brothers. Ranveer Singh, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Alia Bhatt, Vicky Kaushal, Bhumi Pednikar and Jahnavi Kapoor are also playing important roles in the film. The shooting for the film will begin this year. The film 'Takht' is set to release next year. The film is based on the Mughal era. This film is a very important project for Karan Johar. Kiran Johar will make a historical film for the first time. The film is being made under Dharma Production and will be the most expensive film of Dharma Production ever.
62-year-old Anil Kapoor will be seen in Anise Bazmi's multi-starrer comedy film Crazy Panti. Mad Panti is set to release on November 22.
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